About HTH

Registration is closed for 2025.

Studios on High Gallery presents Hit the Hop – our annual, open call juried exhibition.

Accepted artists will be featured in a month-long group show at the gallery and during gallery hop. There will be a $500 cash prize for first place, a $200 cash prize for second place and a $100 cash prize for People's Choice Winner.

Theme for 2025: Happiness is…

Artists are invited to submit work that best interprets the themes of happiness and peace of mind, expressed through the things you see, experience, and the creative process itself.

2025 Dates

Important Dates for 2025:

Deadline for Entries: February 8
Show Dates: March 1 - April 3
Gallery Hop / People's Choice Voting: March 1
Reception: March 2, 2-4pm
Pick-up: April 4

Accepted work will be exhibited at the gallery.


Work must be completed within the last two years.
2D maximum size 24x24.
3D maximum weight 40 lbs.
$35 fee for up to 2 entries.
All work must be for sale.
Studios on High Gallery takes a 25% commission on sales.


Registration is closed for 2025.

Studios on High Gallery uses ArtCall.org for its submission process. You will be required to create a user account with ArtCall to register. If you have registered before with ArtCall, all you need to do is login!

Need help getting started with ArtCall.org? Watch a helpful video tutorial before you register.


Still have questions?
Contact us at: 